How to use VNC

VNC (Virtual Network Computing) is a nice utility that will allow you to login, with a graphical environment, to the CS Suns from just about anywhere. This page will describe how to do that.

Basic options for connecting

There are two basic approaches to connecting with VNC:

  1. Obtain a copy of the VNC viewer program, which is available for Mac, Windows, Linux, and other types of UNIX. In other words, it's available for just about any kind of machine you're likely to be using.
  2. Use your Java-enabled web browser. This approach requires no new software, as you can bring up your graphical login as a page in Netscape or Internet Explorer.

The VNC viewer is preferred method for connecting to VNC. Why? Because using your web browser is going to be slower and buggier, and because the browser itself will take up part of the screen, leaving less available to display your interface with the Sun. The VNC viewer is quicker, more reliable, and can be put into a special full-screen mode so that what you see on your screen matches what you see when sitting in the lab.

Getting the VNC viewer

If you are using a Mac or a Windows machine, click the appropriate link below to download VNC for your platform:

These files need to be extracted and installed, much as most downloaded software needs to be. Once you have done that, you should be able to run the VNC viewer. If you are interested in seeing more about VNC, you can visit the VNC home page.

Logging in with the VNC viewer

Once you've obtained the VNC viewer, logging in is straightforward. Run the program, and when asked for a machine to which to connect, type the following:

You should then be presented with a graphical window to log into one of the CS Suns, just as you do in SMudd 112.

Note that the number 52 after the colon is not the only number you can use. Specifically, your choice of number determines how big a virtual screen you see in the window once you've connected. You may want to try different sizes to see which one works best for you. In particular, here is a list of special numbers and the screen sizes to which they correspond:

Logging in with a web browser

If you cannot install the VNC viewer for some reason (e.g. the machine that you're using is not yours), you can still connect with a web browser. Follow these steps:

  1. Enter the URL <> into your browser. (Note that, as with the VNC viewer, the number at the end of the URL indicates the size of the virtual screen you will get. You can replace that number with 52 or 53.)
  2. A page will load that asks you to provide a password. Ignore it and simply click OK.
  3. You will then be presented with a logon screen. Proceed as usual.

Scott F. Kaplan
Last modified: Fri Feb 23 17:17:23 EST 2001