Let's do a bit of graphical user interface (GUI) programming.
We will begin with a simple example of a Java GUI applet.
appletviewer Die.html
Given the example above, alter it to have two Die, with one button for each. Specifically, name it Dice (thus creating Dice.html and Dice.java files). The dice should appear separately within the window, and clicking the button associated with a particular die should change the value of that die.
Use your existing Life code from Project 2, and give it a pretty face. You should provide one button that initializes (or resets to) the 0th generation, and another button that evolves to the next step. The cells should be drawn in a grid, and the color should indicate the liveliness of each cell. Pick different colors for different cell types.
Submit your Dice files and your graphical Life files. Include all files needed to run the applets. Submit this work at lab-10.