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C. Maintenance Commands

In addition to commands intended for GDB users, GDB includes a number of commands intended for GDB developers. These commands are provided here for reference.

maint info breakpoints
Using the same format as `info breakpoints', display both the breakpoints you've set explicitly, and those GDB is using for internal purposes. Internal breakpoints are shown with negative breakpoint numbers. The type column identifies what kind of breakpoint is shown:

Normal, explicitly set breakpoint.

Normal, explicitly set watchpoint.

Internal breakpoint, used to handle correctly stepping through longjmp calls.

longjmp resume
Internal breakpoint at the target of a longjmp.

Temporary internal breakpoint used by the GDB until command.

Temporary internal breakpoint used by the GDB finish command.

shlib events
Shared library events.

maint internal-error
maint internal-warning
Cause GDB to call the internal function internal_error or internal_warning and hence behave as though an internal error or internal warning has been detected. In addition to reporting the internal problem, these functions give the user the opportunity to either quit GDB or create a core file of the current GDB session.

(gdb) maint internal-error testing, 1, 2
.../maint.c:121: internal-error: testing, 1, 2
A problem internal to GDB has been detected.  Further
debugging may prove unreliable.
Quit this debugging session? (y or n) n
Create a core file? (y or n) n

Takes an optional parameter that is used as the text of the error or warning message.

maint print dummy-frames

Prints the contents of GDB's internal dummy-frame stack.

(gdb) b add
(gdb) print add(2,3)
Breakpoint 2, add (a=2, b=3) at ...
58	  return (a + b);
The program being debugged stopped while in a function called from GDB.
(gdb) maint print dummy-frames
0x1a57c80: pc=0x01014068 fp=0x0200bddc sp=0x0200bdd6
 top=0x0200bdd4 id={stack=0x200bddc,code=0x101405c}
 call_lo=0x01014000 call_hi=0x01014001

Takes an optional file parameter.

maint print registers
maint print raw-registers
maint print cooked-registers
maint print register-groups
Print GDB's internal register data structures.

The command maint print raw-registers includes the contents of the raw register cache; the command maint print cooked-registers includes the (cooked) value of all registers; and the command maint print register-groups includes the groups that each register is a member of. See section `Registers' in GDB Internals.

Takes an optional file parameter.

maint print reggroups
Print GDB's internal register group data structures.

Takes an optional file parameter.

(gdb) maint print reggroups
 Group      Type      
 general    user      
 float      user      
 all        user      
 vector     user      
 system     user      
 save       internal  
 restore    internal  

maint set profile
maint show profile
Control profiling of GDB.

Profiling will be disabled until you use the `maint set profile' command to enable it. When you enable profiling, the system will begin collecting timing and execution count data; when you disable profiling or exit GDB, the results will be written to a log file. Remember that if you use profiling, GDB will overwrite the profiling log file (often called `gmon.out'). If you have a record of important profiling data in a `gmon.out' file, be sure to move it to a safe location.

Configuring with `--enable-profiling' arranges for GDB to be compiled with the `-pg' compiler option.

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