12-Dec-2004: The description for project-3, part B has been added to the project-3 description page.
4-Dec-2004: The description for project-3, part A has been posted. Part B will follow after we discuss it on Monday.
4-Nov-2004: The deadline for project-2 has been extended by one week to 11:59 pm, Sunday, 14-Nov-2004.
30-Oct-2004: So you know, there will be a lecture on Monday, in the usual place at the usual time.
29-Oct-2004: Lab will be held today in room 014.
27-Oct-2004: No class today. For those who have meetings schedule with me today and tomorrow, those are cancelled, too. Email me if you have questions or problems.
22-Oct-2004: Project-2 has been posted on the projects page.