Mar-27: Problem set 2 due Friday, April-1, at 10 am.
Mar-7: Prepare answers to the questions from mid-term 1 for Friday, March 11th. You must be prepared to present an answer to any one of the questions.
Mar-3: Read Chaper 3, sections 3.1 through 3.5, on arithmetic. Note that section 3.5 on floating point arithmetic is length and goes into more detail than we will cover in class -- it's still interesting, so be sure to get a basic understanding of how floating point numbers are handled.
Feb-9: Read Chapter 2, sections 2.1 through 2.4, on instruction set architectures and MIPS instruction formats.
Feb-8: Problem set 1 due on Monday, Feb 14, at 10 am.
Feb-4: Read appendices B.7 and and B.8 on clocks and memory elements.
Jan-31: Read appendices B.1 through B.3. Notice that it is on the CD-ROM included with the book!