CS 14 -- Lab 2

For this lab you will design and implement a 4-bit binary counter. Be sure to read the whole lab before you start working!

The problem to be solved

Your goal is to build a 4-bit binary counter. More specifically, you want a circuit that is built around 4 1-bit memory elements, where each element holds one of the bits of the counter. The 4 bits (that is, the contents of the 4 memory elements) should be connected to LEDs so that you can see the current number in the counter.

This counter should depend on a clock. When the clock is cycled (made to be high and then low again), the counter should increment by one. When the counter reaches the binary value 1111, at the next clock cycle, it should "wrap around" to 0000.

When the clock is cycled, the new values that are to be stored in the memory elements must be determined by the old values that are coming out of the memory elements. That is, you must build circuitry that determines what the value of each bit will next be, when the clock is cycled, based on the current values of the bits.

New devices

There are new devices that you will need in order to complete this lab:

Some tips on building

Here are some useful ideas that will be help in designing and implementing your counter. Be sure to read these carefully!

Finishing up

The usual rules for finishing your work apply:

Scott F. Kaplan
Last modified: Thu Feb 9 08:32:44 EST 2006