Introduction to Computer Science II

Project 6 for 2007-Nov-16

Evaluating sorting algorithms


We have examined a number of sorting algorithms, many of them fundamentally different from the others. We have also performed a high-level categorization of the speed of each (what computer scientists' call an asymptotic running-time analysis.) However, mathematical analyses like that are just models---simplified approximations of what we expect the running-time of certain algorithms to exhibit when implemented and run on a real computing device. Thus, our primary question here is, is that model sufficiently realistic?

In order to answer that question, we need to perform some experiments. Specifically, we must implement some of the sorting algorithms that we have discussed, and then we to measure their performance as they run on a real computer. Measuring performance, however, is not quite as simple as it seems. Here are some of the issues that we must consider:

Our goal will be to measure a handful of sorting algorithms, see how long they really take as the number of items to sort increases, and look for anomalies. Do the timings come out as expected? If not, why not?

Which algorithms to implement

You must implement three sorting algorithms. Specifically, you must implement:

  1. Either selection sort or insertion sort.

  2. Merge sort.

  3. Counting sort

  4. Optionally, if you are masochistic, you may try to implement stupid sort.

My code

I have provided code that should get you started. Note that as of 2007-Nov-09, this code has changed since your initial coping during lab. Get the new version! You can get a copy of it like so:

cp -r ~sfkaplan/public/cs12/project-6 .

You will see four .java files---for this project, you are welcome to examine the code that I have provided. Be aware that it is not as thoroughly commented as I would like, so you may have to infer a bit. Here are descriptions of each of the classes:

You will notice that the code is (now) fully commented and documented. All of the comments that preceed class declarations, methods, and data members are in a format known as JavaDoc. You can take advantage of these, getting a better overview of the details of each class, by following these steps:

  1. Compile the documentation: Go into your project-6 directory. From there, issue the following command, which will create a number of additional files:

  2. View the documentation: Open a web browser on the index.html file that was created by the previous command. You can do so by using the following command, again from your project-6 directory:

    firefox index.html &

How to do the experiments

The goal is to test each sorting algorithm on a range of array sizes, performing multiple tests on each array size. Each test should count the total number of operations and the total amount of time required to perform the sort. The questions that we want to answer are:

To answer these questions, you may need to collect the results of each timing in a manner that allows you to perform these computations. You may use Java code, a spreadsheet, or a statistics program (or maybe something else) to do these calculations. Depending on what you choose, you may need to change the output format of the timings to put them into a more convenient layout -- or you may not print them at all, and simply use them internally.

Submitting your work

From within your project-6 subdirectory, use the following command to submit you work (all of your Java code files) when you are done:

cs12-submit project-6 *.java

This assignment is due Friday, 2007-Nov-16, at 11:59 pm

Scott F. H. Kaplan
Last modified: Sat Nov 10 22:02:41 EST 2007