2007-Nov-02: I apologize that I (lazily) never confirmed or disconfirmed this evening's lab session. With apologies to those who showed up on speculation, sorry for wasting your time, since I was, ultimately, unable to hold the session tonight. So, instead, we will have a Monday, 2007-Nov-05, 8:00 pm help session at my house. Bring your laptop if you have one, and be ready with your questions. We'll provide dessert, and, I hope, some useful tips.
2007-Nov-02: At long last, I've posted a complete description of Project 5, which is now due on Wednesday, 2007-Nov-07, at 11:59 pm.
2007-Oct-13: Here is a sample mid-term exam. Remember that there may be topics addressed by this mid-term with which you are not familiar. Its true purpose is provide examples of the types of questions that I am likely to ask on this Wednesday's mid-term exam.
2007-Oct-13: You must re-copy the results files for the Friendly cells, as my original versions were incorrect. To do that, use the following commands from within your project-4 directory:
cd tests cp ~sfkaplan/public/cs12/project-4/tests/*.Friendly-results .
2007-Oct-10: Today, we will meet in the lab to do some work on Project 4.
2007-Oct-05: The Project 4 page is now available. It's lacking a little bit of detail, but most of what you need is there. Note that this project depends heavily on inheritance, which we are covering right now.
2007-Oct-02: I am moving the date of the help/lab session at my house from today to tomorrow. So, do not show up tonight (Tuesday), since there will be no session. Instead, show up tomorrow (Wednesday) at 8 pm at my house for time to work on your project with a little support.
2007-Sep-26: The Project 3 page is posted. Please note the due date, which is just before the long fall weekend break begins.
2007-Sep-26: Today, we will hold class in the lab (SMudd 014) again to continue discussion and work on the Game of Life.
2007-Sep-21: At long last, here is Project 2, due on 2007-Sep-23. Note that it recommends (and describes) the use of the Scanner class instead of the Keyboard class, thus eliminating any reliance on settings in your .cshrc file.
2007-Sep-18: I made two mistakes during today's lab. First, I erred in telling you what to place in your .cshrc file in order to get the Keyboard methods to work. Moreover, I also incorrectly referred, during lab, to the Keyboard.readLine() method, which does not exist. So, I've posted corrections that will provide the correct information.
2007-Sep-15: I believe that I've fixed all of the problems with the cs12-submit program. If you have not tried it since 9 am today, go ahead and try it on remus or romulus again.
2007-Sep-13: A few days overdue, check out the formal posting for Project 1, which includes instructions on submitting your work.
2007-Sep-05: Check out your first assignment, due on 2007-Sep-07.
2007-Aug-27: Before our first class meeting, reading the entirety of the course information page.
2007-Aug-27: Welcome! Regular annoucements, including information about papers, reading, class preparation, cancellations, and just about anything else, will be provided in two forms:
This web page: Check this space daily to see if any new annoucements have been posted.
RSS feed: By using an RSS feed, you can use an aggregator that will fetch the annoucements for you, leading you directly to the relevant material. Click this icon -- -- to add the feed to your aggregator.