Nov-14: I want to remind you that each of you must email me to indicate (a) with whom you will be presenting, and (b) when you would like to present. Keep in mind that I still need two more groups to volunteer for this coming Wednesday; if they do not, someone who wanted to present after Thanksgiving will be assigned to Wednesday anyhow.
Nov-12: Oops! I made a mistake. The uploads page for your reviews should have been differently structured. That is, if you used an upload page that did not explicitly have separate links for review #1 and review #2, then you used the old version of that page which was incorrect. I've changed the page to correct this problem, so please resubmit both of your reviews on the upload page for Paper-3 reviews. Since this is a last-minute fix, I will certainly forgive "late" submissions until mid-day tomorrow.
Nov-12: A bit late in the game, the upload page for Paper-3 reviews is active.
Nov-11: With apologies for posting this information at 4:45 pm on Sunday, please note that I have just posted the reading assignment for tomorrow morning. In particular, please note the need to read Chapter XI.
Nov-09: No class tomorrow. We will resume our usual meetings, continuing with Dennett, on Wednesday.
Nov-07: Download the Paper 3, Round 1 submissions of your classmates. Do so right away and write your Paper 3 reviews.
Oct-08: You can now download the reviews of your Paper 2, Round 1. Do so right away and hop to writing Paper 2, Round 2.
Oct-07: The Paper 2 Reviews upload page is now up and operational. Notice that it does allow you to distinguish, before you upload, whether you are submitting a review of Paper #1 or Paper #2 (of the two you had to review). Please be sure to choose the correct one for each of your to uploaded PDF reviews. Contact me immediately if you have difficulty submitting your work through this web page.
Oct-05: Please be sure to check the reading assignment for tomorrow. As I hinted, I want you to read through Chapter V of Kuhn.
Oct-01: I have posted the Paper 2 Review assignment. Please go to that page and follow the link presented there to download the papers assigned to you for review.
Sep-28: First, I have graded Paper 1. Please download your graded paper. Second, since it took me far longer than I anticipated to grade these papers, I will push the due date for Paper 2, Round 1 back one more day, to Monday, Sep-29, at 11:59 pm.
Sep-25: Notice that the due date for Paper 2, Round 1 has been extended to Sunday, Sep-28, at 11:59 pm. I remind you to (a) submit your work on time, (b) submit a PDF, and (c) remember not to put your name on your paper.
Sep-18: On the Assignments page, I've posted information about the writing assignment, as well as the reading for Monday and for Wednesday. You may find, particularly if you choose the third of the available topics for the paper, that next Wednesday's reading would be helpful, so you may want to get to it early.
Sep-14: Because it is not addressed as part of the paper-1 assignment, I want to make clear that any bibliography does not count toward the 2-page limit. That is, you may write two pages and then append a bibliography as a third page.
Sep-12: The submission page for the paper due on Sunday night has been activated. When you're ready to submit your work, use it. Critically, note that if you submit more than once, the new submission will clobber the old one, and so I will only get your last submission. However, I recommend that you take advantage of this property by submitting at least one complete draft. That way, if you have some problem at the last second in submitting your work, you will at least have submitted something complete.
Sep-03: Visit the assignments page to get to Monday's assignment, the interviews with Richard Dawkins and Francis Collins. Note that I will not routinely post an announcement whenever an assignment becomes available -- I expect you to check the assignments page regularly.
Aug-09: Welcome! Regular announcements, including information about papers, reading, class preparation, cancellations, and just about anything else, will be provided here. Check this space daily (at the least) to see if any new announcements have been posted. Prior to the first class at 8:30 am on Wednesday, September 5, you must read the Course Information page.