Science and Religion

Assignment for Sep-08

Richard Dawkins and Francis Collins are two successful, influential scientists (the former an evolutionary biologist, the latter a doctor and geneticist). They disagree strongly, publicly, eloquently, and persuasively about the existance of god and the role of religion in our lives and what questions science can and should answer. Each recently wrote a book to explain his position on this debate. (One of those books is a text we shall read this semester.)

Fresh Air is an interview-based radio show on National Public Radio that interviewed these two fellows, back to back, not long ago about their respective books.

Your assignment: Listen to both interviews [Dawkins, Collins]. Understand them. Be prepared to explain with which aspects of each argument you disagree.

This assignment is due on Thursday, Sep-08, at 11:30 am

Scott F. H. Kaplan
Last modified: Wed Sep 3 12:03:23 EDT 2008