For this assignment, you will have a good deal of latitude in determining your specific topic. Through library reesarch, you will need to find writing related to those that we have read (details below). How your topic emerges from such additional text(s) will depend on the details of your chosen materials. Your choices are:
Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions inspired a great deal of argument, rejection, speculation, expansion, and other types of responses presented in articles and books. If you search through this material, you will find some interesting responses to Kuhn's claims about how science works and its implications.
For this topic, you must find something that builds upon or responds to Kuhn's work. You must then create your own question and then answer it. That is, you should create your own topic basic on the response work that you find. You might evaluate the response, or compare two different responses, or reinterpret some essential part of Kuhn given new information from the response. The possibilities are broad, and should be guided by whatever you find compelling the writings that you uncover.
As one of the best-known texts establishing Intelligent Design, Behe's Darwin's Black Box has also inspired a number of responses. Many of them are refutations of Behe's assumptions, arguments, and conclusions. Others add support to or expand upon those same arguments. Behe, based on his expertise, testified in the Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District -- a case for which itself has generated a great deal of analysis.
For this topic, you must find a response to or expansion upon Behe's book and the topics it covers. Then, create your own question and answer it. Form the basis for some analysis of these responses and off-shoots. Remember that your goal is not just to write something that is true, but rather something that is compelling -- something that will lead the reader to a deeper insight about this debate and its material.
For the 0th stage of this assignment, you must write a title and introductory paragraph for this assignment. In doing so, you must make clear what the topic of your paper is and how you intend to address it.
Note that your topic may vary later if needed. However, this introductory paragraph (and title) will be graded, so it be the result of a substantial investigation into other writings.
You must upload your title-and-intro as a PDF. Use this assignment's submission web page.
Extended deadline: Your paper must be submitted by Monday, November 07, at 11:59 pm