Apr-15: Another paper on the Assignments page. Go 'n' git it!
Apr-09: The Assignments page has a new paper for Wednesday. Also, keep your piece of the project moving, and send updates to our email alias (<cs461@cs.amherst.edu>) so we can monitor the progress of the various pieces.
Apr-01: First, recall that we will meet in the lab tomorrow to make headway on our fragmentation experiments. Please check our shared directory, where I have placed copies of the SPEC 2000 and 2006 benchmarks for us to begin using. Have your portion of the code ready, and have any questions/problems prepared for discussion.
Second, check the Assignments page where I have posted a paper to be read for Wednesday.
Mar-27: Two new papers to read on the Assignments page. Hop to it!
Mar-14: I've posted the paper we discussed in class on the Assignments page. Please read it for Friday. Although we will be in the lab on Friday, we will want to discuss our broader strategy.
Also, there is, at long last, a shared directory on the CS systems for our group work. Specifically, your are all now members of the cs461 group, which has its home at:
You all should have permission to create files and directories there. Please copy all of your current work to that directory so that everyone can see it and poke around. Most of all, try to be sure to make all files readable, all directories readable/executable, and all files & directories sticky -- that is, have them inherit the group ownership from the parent directory. To do these things:
$ chmod g+rs <file-name>
$ chmod g+rxs <directory-name>
The chmod command changes the permissions of a file or directory. The g+ part of the argument means that you are enabling some permissions for the group. The r which follows indicates that you are adding read permission; x implies execute permission (necessary for directories and programs); s implies sticky group ownership.
Mar-13: Check the Assignments page. I have posted a reading for tomorrow.
Mar-04: As I noted during class, I will be at a conference this week, and so we will not have class on Monday and Wednesday. Since you are all available from 12:00 to 12:50 pm on those day, you should get together and work on our experiments.
Also, for Friday, be sure to read the papers distributed last Thursday evening. In particular, read the architecture paper carefully, extracting as much as you are able from its presentation; read the LIRS page-replacement paper with a particular eye to the experimental methods and analysis. I am less concerned, with LIRS, that you absorb the specifics of the algorithm, and more concerned that you critically read their experimental results.
Mar-01: I've posted two papers for you to read, but you need only read the first one (the Burger paper on processor scaling) for tomorrow's class. Please be ready. Also bring any questions about the current state of your experiment efforts.
Feb-23: As usual, a day late in posting the paper for tomorrow's class. Check the assignments. I'll be a bit forgiving, given my lapse, if you've only partially absorbed the paper's contents.
Jan-24: A bit later than I had planned, I have posted the reading for tomorrow on the Assignments page. I will not, in the future, provide a notice every time an assignment is posted; be sure to check the assignments regularly on your own.
Jan-21: Welcome! Regular announcements, including information about readings, projects, cancellations, and just about anything else, will be provided here. Check this space daily (at the least) to see if any new announcements have been posted. Prior to the first class at 10:00 am on Monday, Jan-23, you must read the Course Information document.