Apr-19: I have fixed the compiler bug, and with it, there is an example of a small program that demonstrates the printing of a message on the console. Specifically, on remus/romulus/vega.cs, you can look in the following directory:
In there, you will find three directories of general interest:
You may examine the code in all three to see how the tools on which our projects rely are working. Of the greatest interest, at the moment, is the compiler code. Within the compiler directory is another one, called test that contains a handful of .k source code files, large and small. Check them out. In particular, string.k does some non-trivial things that might provide a good example of how to use this language. Also note, in the compiler directory, two files that the compiler uses:
Mar-08: Check the Documents page, which now has information on how to use your College-provided Google Drive account to share and synchronize your work with others in your group.
Along with this new capability is a new system -- vega.cs.amherst.edu -- on which you can do your work. The cloud-storage software (Insync) is available on remus, romulus, and vega.cs, and all three provide the same view of your home directories. The new system, though, is a more updated Linux distribution (Mint 15) and may be more pleasant for you to use. It's also less busy, and may be snappier.
Feb-05: Class is cancelled for today! Enjoy the snow...
Feb-28: Lab day today!
Jan-30: Due for unforseen circumstances, I was unable to follow through with the scheduled ice-cream cleanup of Seeley Mudd 006 tonight. We will reschedule it soon. More importantly, because we have not yet quite covered the material that we need, we will defer going into the lab until Monday, Feb-03.
Therefore, we will meet in Seeley Mudd 207 tomorrow for a regular class lecture/discussion. I will be assigning you reading a bit of exploration of the simulated system that we are going to use as a weekend assignment, but we won't begin the 0th project in earnest until lab on Monday.
Jan-21: Welcome to Computer Systems II! If you are enrolled in this class, or even if you are considering this class, please begin, before our first class on Friday, Jan-24, by reading the Course Information. This document makes clear what material we will cover, what is expected of you as a student, how I will evaluate your work, etc. It may also help you to determine whether this course is one that interests you.
For the first day, we will meet in Seeley Mudd 207 for a regular lecture.