Mar-16: Go to the Documents page to find the solutions to the mid-term exam.
Mar-14: Go to the Assignments page to find the written-up Lab-5.
Mar-08: As a substitute for the lost review session yesterday, there will be a replacement review session tonight from 8:00 to 9:30 pm in Seeley Mudd 206.
Mar-06: First, go to the Readings page to see a list of the portions of the textbook that are relevant as review of the mid-term exam.
Second, due to unforseeable circumstances, there will be no class meeting tomorrow at our usual time. I hope to schedule an alternative help session, either virtually (on Moodle), or as an evening meeting. I will post an update soon.
Mar-04: Check out the sample mid-term.
Feb-26: Go the Assignments page, where you will (at long last) find Project-1.
Feb-08: Class is cancelled for today. Instead, read Chapter 4, through and including Section 4.3, from the textbook. I will assume that you've read it for Wednesday's class.
Jan-31: Note that the original lab-1 document suggested that you go to the Olds Mathematics Library in search of a very large dictionary. It just so happens that said dictionary is now in Frost Library, so go there. The lab-1 document itself has been correspondingly updated.
Jan-10: Welcome to Introduction to Computer Science I! There are a few key pieces of information that you should know before classes begin:
Our first class meeting will be on Monday, Jan-25, in the lecture room (which has yet to be determined). We will spend only a little time discussing an overview of the class, because the majority will be spent getting started on real material, so it is critical that you are present from the very beginning of class.
Before our first class meeting, read the Course Information. This document covers the course topics, expectations, structure, grading, etc. You are expected to have reviewed this document thoroughly.
The course is currently full, and some of those who pre-registered were dropped. If you are not currently registered for the course, then you may come to the first class meeting, where I will take a list of those who wish to add the course if space becomes available. In the allocation of any such spaces, priority will be given to first-year and sophomore students. If you are currently registered for the course, then you must attend the first class meeting in order to retain that space.