Science and Religion

Assignment for Sep-15

The assignment

The interviews with Collins and Dawkins have each interviewee making a number of claims with limited time to justify each. However, some questions are examined in greater depth, providing the interviewee some opportunity to explain his position. Some of these explanations were more persuasive than others.

Your assignment: Choose a particular statement made by one of the interviewees, along with its justification/explanation, with which you disagree. Explain why the argument presented is not persuasive. Imagine that you are debating this individual, and that you are seeking to rebut the claim or some part of its justification. Note that you cannot choose just any statement with which to disagree -- it must be one where the interviewee had some opportunity to provide an explanation, and yet still left you unpersuaded.

Your paper should be 1 to 2 pages in length, but not more than 2 pages. It must be double-spaced, with at least a 1-inch margins in either side, and use a 12-point font size. If you find that you can present your argument in 1.5 pages, then that is the length that your paper should be -- do not add extra material just to fill 2 pages.

Submitting your work

We will use Google Drive for submitting and returning graded work. You must login to Google Drive using your college account. To submit this paper to me:

  1. Create a PDF of your work. If you used Google Docs to write the paper, then save the PDF within Google Drive; if you wrote it on your own computer, upload the saved PDF to your Google Drive account.

  2. Share the PDF with me ( To do so, right-click on the PDF file itself, and then select Share, entering my email address as the person with whom you want to share it.

This assignment is due on Friday, Sep-15, at 11:59 pm

Scott F. Kaplan