kVMTrace: Download

The parts of kVMTrace

kVMTrace comes in three pieces:

  1. The kernel patch: By patching, compiling, and installing a Linux 2.4.20 kernel, your system will be capable of logging all virtual memory and file system references.

  2. The tracing activator: A simple program that you execute once a kVMTrace-patched kernel is running. It activates kernel-event logging (always active) and allows you to toggle reference-event logging.

  3. The merger utility: kVMTrace emits both a kernel-events log and a reference-events log. This utility reads these two logs, reconstructing the relevant state of every process and thread as it runs, reconciling shared memory uses, and emitting a final reference trace in one of many forms. That is, it can emit either single reference trace of all references as performed by the interleaved tasks, or it can emit one reference trace file per task.

Download it!

Scott F. Kaplan
Last modified: Mon Jul 11 16:16:50 EDT 2005