20-Apr-2004: There will be a help session today at 5 pm in the lab for those still working on lab 7. It will be one hour long. Come ready to discuss the problems you are facing, from debugging to program structure to concepts.
16-Apr-2004: The deadline for lab 7 has been extended to 11:59 pm, Tuesday, 20-Apr-2004. We will have a new lab (already posted, lab 8) on Monday.
8-Apr-2004: Remember that lab 6 is due tomorrow, at the beginning of class. You must submit any electronic materials by 12:59 pm, and if you are submitting a paper plot of your runtimes, then you must submit it at 1 pm. If you show up late for the lecture, I will not accept the paper plots.
24-Mar-2004: The deadline for applying to be a Curricular Computing Specialist has been extended until the end of this week. If you want to work for IT and use your programming skills this summer, check it out.
22-Mar-2004: There will be a lecture today and a lab on Wednesday, 24-Mar-2004.
9-Mar-2004: Okay, let's just set the due date for lab-4 to be 12-Mar-2004 at 5 pm, just before spring break. Your graded lab-2 should be send back to you within hours.
8-Mar-2004: Today will be a lecture day. We will have a lab on Wednesday (10-Mar-2004). Additionally, since I have not yet returned your graded lab-2, we will push back the due to date for lab-4 one more day to Wedneday at 11:59 pm.
23-Feb-2004: For lab-3, your PokerTest class should provide the following results if your Deck.shuffle() method is randomizing well:
Also note that, depending on how you wrote your code, creating 50,000 hands from 10,000 decks may be slow. Use the -server option to magically make things faster, e.g:
java -server PokerTest
We will, later in the class, discuss just what that option does and why it makes things faster.
22-Feb-2004: Be sure to note that the due date for lab-2 has been changed to 11:59 pm, Tuesday, 24-Feb-2004, thus giving you a full two week for that lab.
20-Feb-2004: The final exam schedule has been updated to include a time for a three hour, scheduled exam for our course.
18-Feb-2004: If you are interested in a summer job that will use some of your programming skills, you may want to look at information on becoming a Curricular Computing Specialist.
9-Feb-2004: There will be a lecture instead of a lab today, since we had no lecture on Friday and need to cover some more material for the next lab. Thus, there will be a lab on Wednesday.
6-Feb-2004: Class is cancelled for today due to the lousy weather through which I must drive. See you in lab on Monday. Email me with any questions about Lab 1.
27-Jan-2004: Be sure to read the course information page. You are responsible for knowing its contents.
26-Jan-2004: Not much available yet, but there will be soon. Check here regularly (that is, daily, at least) for updates and important information!