Due Friday, 2007-Dec-21, 5:00 pm: Write and submit Paper 3 Take 2.
Due Wednesday, 2007-Dec-12, 11:59 pm: Write and submit your reviews for Paper 3.
Due Wednesday, 2007-Dec-05, 11:59 pm: Write and submit Paper 3 Take 1. Note that there are two topic options, so be sure to pick one and hop to it.
Due Tuesday, 2007-Nov-06, 11:30 am: Read Collins, Chapters 3 and 4.
Due Friday, 2007-Oct-26, 11:59 pm: Re-write (and submit) Paper 2 based on the feedback provided by reviewers.
Due Tuesday, 2007-Oct-23, 11:30 am: From Dennett, read Chapters 1 and 2.
Due Thursday, 2007-Oct-18, 11:30 am: From Kuhn, re-read Chapter V, and then read Chapters VI and VII.
Due Monday, 2007-Oct-15, 11:59 pm: Submit your reviews for Paper 2.
Due Thursday, 2007-Oct-11, 11:30 am: From Kuhn, re-read Chapter III, and then read Chapters IV and V.
Due Tuesday, 2007-Oct-02, 11:30 am: Read Kuhn, Chapters I-III.
Due Friday, 2007-Sep-30, 11:59 pm: Write and submit take 1 of paper 2.
Due Tuesday, 2007-Sep-24, 11:30 am: Read White, Chapter XIV, in its entirety.
Due Tuesday, 2007-Sep-18, 11:30 am: Read White, Chapter III, in its entirety.
Due Thursday, 2007-Sep-13, 11:30 am: Read White, Chapter II, in its entirety.
Due Monday, 2007-Sep-10, 11:59 pm: Write a short paper on a weak argument presented by Dawkins or Collins.
Due Thursday, 2007-Sep-06, 11:30 am: Listen to interviews with Richard Dawkins and Francis Collins.
Due Tuesday, 2007-Sep-04, 11:30 am: Read the Course Information page. You must read this page in its entirety.