Dec-02: Check the assignments page once again, where I have posted a supplemental and optional paper for Friday's class.
Nov-30: One more read assignment, this time for Wednesday's class. Don't forget that we will be starting your presentations on Friday, Dec-04. I will be posting an announcement with the presentation order soon. Be sure that you're prepared to go first if need be.
Nov-27: There is a new reading assignment, plus a little extra for Monday's class.
Nov-16: I have posted a new reading assignment for Wednesday's class.
Nov-15: I have posted a full description of the Presentations Project. I strongly recommend you read it and get started right away.
Nov-11: Today's lack of attendance was embarrassing and frustrating, and it was not the first of its kind. This type of course -- one that relies on careful readings of advanced texts, and group discussions following the readings -- simply does not function when half of the class is absent. Therefore, I am sad to say, starting on Friday, I will begin tracking class participation, which will now constitute a substantial portion of your grade for the class. I should not have had to take this type of infantalizing step with this class, but you have forced me to do so. I expect everyone not only to have read the assigned work, but to have understood it as deeply as possible.
Nov-10: A new reading assignment has been posted Assignments page.
Nov-07: I have posted a slightly updated version of Project 2. Specifically, I have provided all of you access to the cs39 database, into which I have inserted tables that provide the histograms and basic trace data needed to derive the overhead curves. Moreover, it is into this database that you should place new tables for this project, thus allowing everyone in the class access.
Nov-05:Tomorrow (Friday), we will meet in the lab (SMudd 007) in order to discuss Project 2 and get started on it.
Nov-05:Yet another reading assignment has been posted, this time for Monday's class, on the Assignments page.
Nov-03:A new reading assignment has been posted for tomorrow on the Assignments page.
Oct-27: I am not feeling well, so there will be no class tomorrow (Wednesday). Be prepared for Friday.
Oct-17: A new reading assignment has been posted on the Assignments page. Be sure to get started on this reading from Monday morning.
Oct-12: Tomorrow we will have lab in SMudd 007 in an effort to move towards completion of Project 1. Then, for Friday, you should check the Assignments page for a new paper to read.
Oct-11: Y'all are in trouble. One of you was diligent enough to observe a compilation error with timer.h -- the same error that was observed weeks ago on the day I distributed it. A few days later, I posted that there was a fix. It turns out that I failed to put the fix into my public folder, but somehow, none of you observed that the fixed code was not yet in place until now. This is code that you should have been using for weeks now, and someone should have observed the persistence of this problem long ago. I have finally put the corrected code into my public CS 39 directory for you to copy, and I recommend you do it ASAP.
Oct-08: The database server is now properly available from any of the department workstations. So, you can test and/or run your experiments on any departmental server or workstation. To use the database over a TCP/IP connection, add the -h option to the psql command, like so:
psql -h rigel cs39X
Oct-04: Tomorrow (Monday), we will spend our class time in the lab. At long last, I will have the examples for running a large number of experiments and storing the results, which will involve addressing a surprising number of tools.
Sep-30: I have posted another reading assignment for Friday on the Assignments page. It is substantial, so get started ASAP.
Sep-30: The Zen timer code has been fixed to work properly on our x86-64 ISA systems. (It's even optimized!). So, once again, grab the following files from my public directory to make progress on Project 1:
Sep-30: I have created group directories for the class (and I hope that I grouped you all together correctly). Login to the CS department systems, and then type the command groups. You will see an output that lists the groups to which you belong. Specifically, you will see that you belong both to cs39 and to cs39X, where X is one of (a, b, c, d). You and your partner, of course, should have the same value of X. Once you have determined which subgroup you are in, you use the following shared directory to store your group work:
Sep-20: First, check the Assignments page for a new reading assignment for Wednesday's class---Feng and Berger's, A Locality-improving Dynamic Memory Allocator. Second, also amongst the assignments, is an initial, incomplete posting of Project 1. I will continue to update and complete this Project 1 document, but there is useful information in there now that I hope removes some of the existing ambiguity and vagueness for that assignment.
Sep-12: If you diligently followed the link on the Assignments page to a paper titled, "Bootstrap Alliance SIG: Toward open hyperdocument systems", then you have fallen prey to a goof of mine. I have corrected the link, and it should lead to the paper, "The Memory Fragmentation Problem: Solved?"
Sep-12:See the Assignments page for the reading for Monday's class (Sep-14).
Sep-11: Friday's class will be in Seeley Mudd 007, where we will, from time to time, hold a lab section.
Aug-26: Welcome! Regular announcements, including information about readings, projects, cancellations, and just about anything else, will be provided here. Check this space daily (at the least) to see if any new announcements have been posted. Alternatively, subscribe to the course RSS feed. Prior to the first class at 9:00 am on Tuesday, September 8th, you must read the Course Information.