Apr-19: I will not be in lab today. However, you should take advantage of the TA's help to get Project 5a and 5b done (if you haven't already), and to get started on Project 6.
Apr-12: For those who have had difficulty in getting all of the parts of Project 5a working, I have now made the link to Project 5b available on the assignments page. You should submit what you have for 5a and move onto 5b ASAP.
Mar-06: And here is the sample mid-term exam with solutions for your studying pleasure.
Mar-04: Here is the sample mid-term exam from a semester past. If there are small elements that seem completely unfamiliar (e.g., the boolean data type), then just skip it. Remember to come to Wednesdays class with questions for the review sessions.
Feb-20: In a startling burst of activity (and insomnia), I am about to email your graded Project 2 results. Once again, if your code compiled and worked correctly, you will receive full credit. However, a troubling number of you have not submitted work for this project, and thus have received no credit. Since I have been uncommonly lax about enforcing deadlines thus far, I will offer here a one-time grace-period. If you have not submitted work for Project 2, you must do so by 5:00 pm today; I will accept the submission with a small penalty, grade your work, and assign you credit for the work. However, henceforth, deadlines must be met!
Additionally, I will begin, starting with Project 3b, to deduct points for sloppy, poorly formatted, badly presented code. Your code should use consistent indentation and spacing, use descriptive variable and method names, and contain comments that explain any non-trivial steps. Now that you are getting the hang of Java, you should aim to produce more than merely working Java code -- it should be good, clear, communicative code.
Finally, in addition to the weekly office hour sign-up page, I am adding a page that allows you to request a non-office-hour meeting with me. Please use this page if the office hour slots are full, or none of the available office hour slots match free times in your schedule, or if you need to meet with me for a longer period of time or for an unusual purpose. This page should show you a calendar that displays the times at which I am available (and busy). You can select a few times at which I seem to be free, and I will receive that request, allowing me to pick one of your proposed times.
Feb-19: I am about to email your graded Project 1 results. Note that if you received 100 points, you're not going to see any comments from me in your work. Later, as the projects get more complex, I'll add some more feedback to what you do. For now, if you get the code properly working and passing my tests, then you're in good shape.
Feb-16: Oooh! I almost forgot. If you recall, as we developed the exp() method (exponentiation), someone insightfully asked, "What if both x and y are 0?" I punted, but I've now found that 00 = 1. Don't believe me? Well, here's an argument that addresses this question.
Feb-16: Project 3b is now available -- that is, once you get to the end of Project 3a, you should be able to enter the correct URL to find your way to part 3b. Don't panic if you find that it requires some programming tricks that we have not yet covered (and will discuss this coming week).
Also, the office hours sign-up page has been cleared and updated for this coming week. Sign up to see me as needed. If your office hours were clobbered by my Friday afternoon absence (sorry, I was sick!), and if no time slot is available for you early in the week, then send me email and I will prioritize finding a time to meet with you.
Feb-13: Fixed! Project 2's last step -- the map you must find by completing the previous conversion steps correctly -- is now posted and working. Go ahead and try it; you should find a map to a place that has a prize for you.
Feb-12: Argh! Project 2's last step, where you find a map to some location, is not set up. I will try to do that tonight and make the web page work. Sorry about that (again)! I'll post a notice here when it's working.
Feb-08: I have just cleared and set the office hours sign-up page for next week. Please notice that I have expanded the number of available time slots from which you may choose.
Feb-08: At long last, Project 1 is fixed! It now is complete, but beware: the formula for calculating z has changed. Be sure to update your code accordingly.
Feb-07: First, in spite of the nor'easter, we will be holding lab as usual tomorrow morning. Second, I have posted an updated Project-1 document, which is itself a mixed bag. The good news is that part 3.1/c has been added; the bad news is that the formulae need to be updated before you can complete the assignment, and I cannot do that until tomorrow morning (due to information I do not have with me). So, take one additional step, but the assignment can't be completed yet. Additionally, there is a new part to this document that I hope will help many people: Section 1.2 now details how to continue your work from outside the lab. I hope that this information answers many common questions.
I apologize for this state of affairs, and pledge to be more organized about these critical details in the future. Thanks to the added delay, I've extended the deadline for Project-1 to Tuesday, February 12.
Feb-05: The sign-up page has been cleared, a bit belatedly, for this week. In the future, there will also be Monday office hours.
Jan-29: I have posted a web page on which you may, each week, sign up for a time to meet with me during my office hours. The given page -- admittedly a bit low-budget in appearance -- lists a handful of 20-minute meeting slots during which I will be available. Pick one (and only one) in a given week if you need to see me. If none of the times fit your schedule, contact me. I cannot guarantee that I will be able to find a time to meet with you, but we can try. The times listed each week on this page are the best bet, and you should feel free to share the time slot with someone if you and another member of the class have questions in common.
Jan-23: Our first day of class falls on a Friday (Jan-25), which normally is our lab day. Indeed you should come to Seeley Mudd 014 (the basement of that building) at the time slot that you elected when registering (either 9 am or 10 am). Although we will not yet have covered any material, we will have our first lecture during that lab time.
Dec-29: Welcome to Introduction to Computer Science I! Please notice that this page is for Sections 02/04, which have their lectures at 9:00 am MW, labs at 9:00/10:00 am Fridays, and are taught by Prof. Kaplan. Before our first class meeting on Friday, Jan-25, read the Course Information document. This document covers the course topics, expectations, structure, grading, etc.