Mar-21: First, I've updated (at long last) the Project-0 document to include an accurate description of the DMA portal and its uses.
Second, I've posted the long-overdue Project-1 document.
Coming soon (I hope!) the formal Project-2 document.
Feb-06: All of you should now be able to login to with your Amherst College username and password. Attempt a login with ssh. For those with little experience connecting to and using UNIX/Linux/BSD systems, see the College's basic info on getting started with these systems. If you've never used ssh from your own computer, do a web search for ssh tutorial windows or ssh tutorial mac in order to find some information on how to get connected.
Jan-31: First, note that we will be doing our work on the CS server named and accessable via your College login. If you have any difficulty accessing this server, contact me right away.
Second, Project 0 is now officially begun. Please observe that the project document itself is lengthy, introducing the k-system on which we will be implementing our BIOS and (later) kernel. If you all properly read this document, then there should be a great many questions on Tuesday.
Jan-16: Welcome to Computer Systems II! If you are enrolled in this class, or even if you are considering this class, please begin, before our first class on Thursday, Jan-22, by reading the Course Information. This document makes clear what material we will cover, what is expected of you as a student, how I will evaluate your work, etc. It may also help you to determine whether this course is one that interests you.