Due Wednesday, Dec-07, 10:00 am: The Google File System, to be presented by...?
Due Friday, Nov-11, 10:00 am: Reflections on Trusting Trust, and the first seven pages of Smashing The Stack for Fun and Profit.
Due Monday, Nov-07, 10:00 am:Parallel Synchronization-Free Approximate Data Structure Construction, and RacerX: Effective, Static Detection of Race Conditions and Deadlocks. Any volunteers to present each?
Due Friday, Oct-28, 10:00 am: Debugging Operating Systems with Time-Traveling Virtual Machines, by King, et al., to be presented by Masten...?
Due Sunday, Nov-06, 11:59 pm: Experiment 1: Bubblesort!
Due Wednesday, Oct-26, 10:00 am: Enhancing Server Availability and Security Through Failure-Oblivious Computing, by Rinard, et al., to be presented by Masten.
Due Wednesday, Oct-19, 10:00 am: LIRS: An Efficient Low Inter-reference Recency Set Replacement Policy to Improve Buffer Cache Performance, by Jiang, et al., to be presented by Tobi; and, EELRU: Simple and Effective Adaptive Page Replacement, by Smaragdakis, et al., to be presented by Matt.
Due Wednesday, Oct-12, 10:00 am: Trace-Driven Memory Simulation: A Survey, by Uhlig and Mudge.
Due Wednesday, Sep-28, 10:00 am: Elephant Tracks: Portable Production of Complete and Precise GC Traces, by Ricci, et al.
Due Wednesday, Sep-21, 10:00 am: The Memory Fragmentation Problem: Solved?, by Johnstone, et al.
Due Wednesday, Sep-14, 10:00 am: Read Stabilizer: Enforcing Predictable and Analyzable Performance, by Curtsinger, et al.
Due Friday, Sep-09, 10:00 am: Read Producing Wrong Data Without Doing Anything Obviously Wrong!, by Mytkowicz, et al.
Due Wednesday, Sep-07, 10:00 am: Read the Course Information in its entirety.