Apr-18: I have updated the solutions to the mid-term exam to include commentary about what I saw in the answers, including common mistakes and misconceptions.
Mar-26: Because I am at a conference and out of town, labs are cancelled for tomorrow. See you on Wednesday.
Mar-11: If you are curious, here are the mid-term solutions. I will add observations about each question when I have graded your exams.
Mar-09: There will be a review session tonight, from 7 to 9 pm, in Seeley Mudd 006 (just across the hall from our usual lab). The room will likely be crowded, but we'll cram into and do our best.
Mar-08: I must, annoyingly, cancel todays classes. We will, however, still have a review for the mid-term exam. As soon as I am able, I will schedule evening time(s) for tonight and/or tomorrow night to hold that review.
Mar-03: For your studying pleasure, here is last semester's mid-term exam and an updated reading list.
Feb-17: As lab-1 and lab-2 are returned to you, there is one key piece of information that you need: the grading scale. Specifically, each lab receives one of the following grades:
Note, also, that you may have a comment or two in what is returned, prefixed with the (predictable) marker, Comment:. There may also be no such comments, which implies that there's nothing specific to note (which is common with labs that receive a grade of 1).
Feb-06: There will be, henceforth, TA help sessions every week. Specifically:
Jan-22: Welcome to Introduction to Computer Science II! There are a few key pieces of information that you should know before classes begin:
Our first class meetings will be (somewhat awkwardly) in the lab on Monday, Jan-23, in Seeley Mudd 014. Be to show up for your lab section, following the usual Monday schedule. We will use this opportunity to begin a review of Java withg a small assignment.
Your other initial assignment is to read the Course Information document. It covers the course topics, expectations, structure, grading, etc. You are responsible for reviewing and understanding this document.
The course does not have an enrollment limit, but it does have a pre-requisite of COSC-111 (Intro-I) or my permission. If you have previous programming and/or CS experience, contact me, and we can determine whether this course is the correct one for you.