Oct-14: Due to an ongoing health issue in my family, I will no longer be on campus on Fridays for the rest of the semester. I am therefore in the process of changing my schedule to replace those office hours with some other time in the week. Office hours will continue to be held from 1-3 pm on MW; watch this space for the addition of some other time slot to recover the slots lost on Fridays.
Oct-14: Please grab an updated edition of the Project-4 document. In it, I corrected a critical mistake in which I changed references to the (non-existant) function vmsim_handle_fault() to the correct function name, vmsim_map_fault(). I also added descriptions of the important functions vmsim_read_real() and vmsim_write_real(), which your MMU code will need to use. (They were already shown and described in vmsim.h, but it seemed worthwhile to add them to the document.)
Oct-07: For the moment, as I travel, the most certain way to get in touch with me to ask question is via email. If we find that we need to talk via an audio/video call -- emphasis on need -- then we will arrange that individually. In the meantime, continue with Project-4 to the best of your ability.
Oct-01: Some of you have noticed a reference, in the Project-3 document, to helper functions get_block_set() and set_block_size(). I removed these from the code at some point, but forgot to remove them from the document. You can ignore reference to them. (I've updated the document accordingly.)
Sep-28: For those at the Grace Hopper Celebration, we have a video of Thursday's lecture.
Sep-14: There will be weekly TA help sessions on Mondays, from 7 to 9 pm, in SCCE A331. Bring your laptops, if possible. Also, the purpose of these is to seek help with using and understanding the tools and the behavior of the system; it is not for the TA's to help you actually solve the given problems.
Sep-12: You can now find the slides that were projected at various points during class on the Documents page.
Sep-06: I have posted, on the Readings page, a list of sections from the textbook that reinforce and expand upon much of what we have covered in class.
Sep-06: If you can do so, please bring your laptop to class today. We will be starting Project-1 (posted on the Assignments page), and so today's class will mostly be spent as lab time.
Aug-07: Welcome to Computer Systems! There are a few key pieces of information that you should know before classes begin:
Our first class meeting will be on Tuesday, Sep-04, at 10:00 am, in the lecture room, NSCI A131. We will spend some time discussing an overview of the class, but we will quickly dive into the beginning, detailed material, so it is critical that you are present from the very beginning.
Before our first class meeting, read the Course Information. This document covers the course topics, expectations, structure, grading, etc. You are expected to have reviewed this document thoroughly.