The textbook and its uses
The assigned readings listed below are meant to provide you reinforcement and a reference for the material discussed in
lectures and used for projects. The textbook that we will use for this purpose is Tanenbaum and Wetherall's, Computer
Networks (5th edition). You can find it new, used, and for rent on Amazon and the like.
The readings
Everything else: The topics from the final few weeks of the semester...
Encryption: Section 8.1 (basics), Section 8.3 (public-key crypto), Section 8.7 (authentication)
Domain name system: Section 7.1.
Peer-to-peer systems: Section 7.5.4.
Nov-02: Finishing the transport layer; data compression...
Transport layer -- Congestion control: Section 6.2, mostly 6.2.4; 6.3 through 6.3.2; 6.4 through 6.4.1; and 6.5
through 6.5.2, plus 6.5.8.
Data compression: Use the Google and the Wikipedia. Tons of material on lossless data
compression, Lempel-Ziv algorithms, Huffman coding, arithmetic coding, and information
entropy out there.
Oct-25: More Internet addressing and routing, plus starting the transport layer...
Network layer -- IPv4 addressing: Revisit Section 5.6.
Network layer -- Congestion control: Section 5.3.
Transport layer -- Sockets: Section 6.1.
Oct-19: Network layer's routing and the beginning of Internet addressing and routing...
Network layer -- more routing: Revisit Section 5.2, now through 5.2.6.
Network layer -- IPv4 addressing: Section 5.6, through 5.6.2.
Oct-05: Medium access and the start of the network layer...
Medium access: Sections 4.2.2 through 4.2.4; Section 4.3 through 4.3.3.
Network layer -- routing: Section 5.2 through 5.2.3.
Sep-28: Continuing from last week...
Flow control: Section 3.3 (stop-and-wait), and Section 3.4 (sliding windows).
Sep-21: Some overlap from last week, and only one lecture (darned foot!)...
Data link layer -- CRC (cont.): Section 3.2 (repeat from last week).
Flow control -- stop-and-wait: Section 3.3. (Just begun, more next week.)
Sep-14: This week's stuff...
Data link layer -- error detection (cont.): Section 3.2 (all).
Sep-06: From this week, the topics and their corresponding sections of the book:
Network stacks/layers: Section 1.4., mostly 1.4.1 and 1.4.2.
Physical layer and media: Sections 2.1.2 and 2.1.3. Sections 2.2 and 2.3 are interesting.
Data link layer -- basic and error detection/correction: Sections 3.1 and 3.2 (we have not covered all of 3.2 yet).
Scott F. Kaplan