The assigned readings listed below are meant to provide you reinforcement and a reference for the material discussed in lectures and used for projects. We will use two texts for this course:
My own text in progress, available via Moodle, that details digital logic and design.
Patterson and Hennessy's, Computer Organization and Design: RISC-V Edition (1st edition)
Week-1: Binary, addition, boolean logic and gates, and a half-adder. Kaplan, Chapter 2, through Section 2.5.1.
Week-2: Generalized addition, logic simplification, beginning negative numbers. Kaplan, Chapter 2, Sections 2.5.2 onward; Chapter 4, pages 79 to 94 (PDF page numbers), up to the beginning of Subtraction.
Week-3: Memory elements. Kaplan, Chapter 3, through Section 3.2.3.
Week-4: Arithmetic, adders and subtractors, signed integers. Kaplan, PDF pages 79 to 103.
Week-5: Sequential logic, finite state machines, sequence identification. Kaplan, PDF pages 63 to 78.
Week-6: Addressible memory, ALU structure, sequential multiplication. Patterson and Hennessy, Section 3.3.
Week-7: Beginning RISC-v assembly. Patterson and Hennessy, Chapter 2, through Section 2.7.