Dec-13: We will hold a second review session today at 3:00 pm, in SMudd 207.
Dec-11: I am unavailable tomorrow at 11 am, so I must move our review to 2:30 pm tomorrow, Friday, December 12. I will try to obtain SMudd 207 (our usual classroom) for it.
Dec-01: I have finally updated Lab-8 so that it provides specific instructions on how to (a) create working inputs and outputs for modules, and (b) create files for pre-loading RAM and ROM modules. You should, with this, be able to test your designs.
Nov-26: At long last, Lab-8 has been posted. More information on working with or around the problematic parts of tkgate will be coming soon.
Nov-07: The circuit simulator, tkgate is now available on remus/romulus. Login, and simply enter at the prompt:
$ tkgate &
The program should initially come up with a multi-part tutorial. Try it. You should, after the tutorial, be able to make simple combinational circuits, as well as basic counters. Be sure that you figure out how to do that.