Oct-31: Happy Holloween! For your entertainment, here are the solutions to the mid-term exam. Please read and be sure you understand; write or visit with any questions that arise.
Oct-09: Remember that tomorrow, we will have lecture in SMudd 207, our usual classroom. There will be no lab this week.
Oct-09: Here is a old mid-term exam that you can use as a study-aid for our mid-term exam next Friday, October 17. Please note that only questions 1, 2, 3, and 5 are ones that I would expect you to be able to answer now. This mid-term exam was for a slightly different course, and we have not yet done enough assembly programming to answer questions 4 and 6.
Sep-15: I have, at long last, and thanks to some prompting from many of you, posted problem-set-1 on the Assignments page.
Sep-09: Someone was kind enough to submit a link to a helpful web page for those who want a review/reference for the basic relationship between propositional logic, gates, and circuits.
Sep-03: Just for fun, watch this short movie where dominoes are used to carry out logic operations. Remember that we will be in SMudd 006 on Friday for lab.
Aug-09: Welcome! Regular announcements, including information about problem sets, projects, class preparation, cancellations, and just about anything else, will be provided here. Check this space daily (at the least) to see if any new announcements have been posted. Prior to the first class at 11:00 am on Wednesday, September 5, you must read the Course Information page.