May-11: I am slow to posting it here, so I hope you grabbed it from the Slack channel many days ago, but HW9 is posted on the Assignments page.
May-01: HW8, on max heaps, is now posted on the Assignments page. Go to it.
Apr-22: Here is information on mid-term 2, which will be Apr 29-30.
Apr-21: For the curious, here are the solutions to mid-term 1.
Apr-11: HW7 on red-black trees is posted in the Assignments.
Apr-02: HW6, on hash tables, is up and available on the Assignments page.
Mar-16: HW4 is finally posted here, too, in addition to being on the Slack channel.
Mar-07: HW3 is posted in Assignments. Go grab it!
Mar-03: Check the Documents page for the Grading guidelines. It will explain how homeworks will be graded, and how to interpret the feedback.
Feb-26: Homework 2 is posted. Go to the Assignments page to grab it.
Feb-19: HW1 has been posted on the Assignments page. Go and get started!
Feb-11: Welcome to Data Structures! A couple of things to know before classes begin:
Our first class meeting will be on Tuesday, Feb-16, at 10:10 am. We will get to work more-or-less immediately, to be ready to go.
Before our first class meeting, read the Course Information.