CS 14 -- Documents
Last year's final exam
EEPROM Datasheet
74LS85 Datasheet:
4-bit comparitor
74LS86 Datasheet:
XOR gates
74LS244 Datasheet:
Tri-state buffer
74LS195 Datasheet:
4-bit shift register
74LS191 Datasheet:
4-bit counter
74LS181 Datasheet:
74LS138 Datasheet:
3-to-8 decoder/demultiplexor
74LS11 Datasheet:
3-input AND gates
Last year's mid-term exam #2
74LS83A Datasheet:
4-bit adder
74LS157 Datasheet:
This year's mid-term exam #1
Last year's mid-term exam #1
Submitting instructions
for submitting your assembly programming
VNC instructions
for graphical login to romulus
74LS02 Datasheet:
NOR gates
74LS04 Datasheet:
NOT gates
74LS08 Datasheet:
AND gates
74LS32 Datasheet:
OR gates
74LS273 Datasheet:
D flip-flops
Scott F. Kaplan
Last modified: Mon May 6 09:11:31 EDT 2002